The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System
If you’re thinking about charting your cycle, there are a lot of options out there and a lot of information to sift through. Here's some insight into the basics of a system that you can use to chart your cycle, assist you with a natural means to family-plan, and springboard you into gynecologic health maintenance.
What is the Creighton Model™?
The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System (CrMS) helps you understand your cycle patterns by observing and charting the patterns of the biological production of cervical mucus. By learning this system, you're learning from a trained allied health professional (called a FertilityCare™ Practitioner) who will help you to objectively observe days of your menstrual flow, days of your cervical mucus flow, and days you are dry, and to record them in a standardized way. With this information, your Practitioner can assist you to identify which days on your chart are fertile and which are infertile. Over time, your Practitioner can also evaluate your cycle lengths, the quality of your menses, the quality of your mucus, and a variety of patterns to help with early detection of possible gynecologic problems and refer you to a trained Medical Consultant as necessary.
What are the benefits of choosing the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System?
It's Medically Safe.
The CrMS is medically safe and completely natural. You are not putting a single foreign thing into your body.
It's Effective.
For avoiding pregnancy, the Creighton Model has a “perfect use” effectiveness of 99.5%, with a “typical use” effectiveness of 96.8%, for avoiding pregnancy[1]. Compare that to 93% "typical use" effectiveness of the pill[2] and just 82% "typical use" effectiveness for condoms[3]. For trying to get pregnant (with normal fertility), using the Creighton Model helps 76% of couples get pregnant in the very first cycle of trying, and within six cycles of trying, the Creighton Model helps 98% of couples get pregnant[4].
It's Inexpensive.
Aside from the initial fees to learn with a Practitioner, supply costs are extremely minimal. After the initial year, clients typically spend less than $15 per year on supplies, or less than $5 per month if they choose to use the smartphone app.
It's Precise.
The CrMS is medically precise. Amongst natural methods of family planning, the CrMS is the only system that has a network of physicians and nurse practitioners (called NaPro Technology Medical Consultants) who are specifically trained to read charts, recognize abnormal patterns, run correct diagnostic tests, and prescribe appropriate medical treatments or perform surgical procedures as necessary.
It's Standardized.
You can learn CrMS from any of the trained Practitioners on six different continents, and you will be taught the same. The way you describe everything on your chart (the ‘lingo’ and the ‘shorthand’ descriptors) is the exact same wording and terminology that all other CrMS women use. This becomes extremely beneficial when taking your chart to a Medical Consultant trained in NaPro Technology.
It's Versatile.
While the terminology is universal, the method itself is extremely adaptable to your specific situation. It follows your body’s patterns. You don’t need to have perfect 28-day cycles to succeed with the Creighton Model. Plus, it changes with you! If you are regularly cycling, then become pregnant, and then you have your baby and start breastfeeding, the CrMS will be able to record your patterns through all these life changes.
How do I learn the Creighton Model?
If you are interested in the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System, your first step is to attend an Introductory Session, either in a group or individually, where you learn the very basics of how to make observations and mark recordings on a chart. After the Introductory Session, if you want to pursue charting and get individual instruction with a Practitioner, you'll order your initial supplies and meet with a Practitioner one-on-one for Follow-Up appointments incrementally. We recommend meeting at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 1 year after the Introductory Session, though this schedule is subject to change, given your circumstances. All Creighton Model services are offered online or in-person.
1. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 43, No. 6, 495-502, 1998.
2. Trussell J, Aiken ARA, Micks E, Guthrie KA. Efficacy, safety, and personal considerations. In: Hatcher RA, Nelson AL, Trussell J, Cwiak C, Cason P, Policar MS, Edelman A, Aiken ARA, Marrazzo J, Kowal D, eds. Contraceptive technology. 21st ed. New York, NY: Ayer Company Publishers, Inc., 2018.
3. verywellhealth.com. "Effectiveness of Condoms Against Pregnancy." copyright 2021.
4. Hilgers, TW, Daly, KD, Prebil, AM and Hilgers, SK. Cumulative Pregnancy Rates in Patients with Apparently Normal Fertility and Fertility-Focused Intercourse. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 37, 864, 1992.